Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic (AAPOLY)

Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic(AAPOLY)

Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic (AAPOLY) is a polytechnic in Ogun State, located at Ijebu Igbo. The polytechnic offers national diploma and higher national diploma programs in science, engineering, and management courses. The polytechnic was licensed and approved by the National Board of Technical Education (NBTE).

  • Year of establishment: 2006
  • Rector: Onasanya Mobolaji Agbolade
  • Location: Ijebu, Igbo, Ogun State, Nigeria.

Courses offered in Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic (AAPOLY)

Below are the lists of courses offered in Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic (AAPOLY);

  • Accountancy
  • Banking and Finance
  • Business administration and Management
  • Computer engineering
  • Computer science
  • Electrical/Electronic technology
  • Mass communication
  • Science, laboratory technology
  • Statistics
  • Urban and regional planning
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