Federal College of Education Technical ,Ekiadolor (FCET) 

Located in Edo State, Nigeria’s Ekiadolor, close to Benin City, is the state-owned College of Education, Ekiadolor-Benin. The main objective of the institution is to prepare educators to support the growth of Nigeria’s education system by training teachers and other professionals in the field. With time, the school has been essential in supplying the area’s elementary and secondary education with well-qualified teachers.

  • Motto: Education for Excellence
  • Type of Institution: Public (State) College of Education
  • Location: Ekiadolor, near Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
  • Ownership: Edo State Government

Programs and Faculties at the College of Education, Ekiadolor, Benin:

A variety of programs leading to the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) are available at the College of Education, Ekiadolor, Benin. The purpose of these programs is to give aspiring teachers specialized instruction.

School of Arts and Social Sciences

  • Department of Social Studies
    • NCE in Social Studies Education
  • Department of Economics
    • NCE in Economics Education
  • Department of Political Science
    • NCE in Political Science Education
  • Department of Geography
    • NCE in Geography Education
  • Department of Christian Religious Studies
    • NCE in Christian Religious Studies Education
  • Department of History
    • NCE in History Education

School of Languages

  • Department of English Language
    • NCE in English Language Education
  • Department of French
    • NCE in French Language Education
  • Department of Nigerian Languages
    • NCE in Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa Language Education

School of Science

  • Department of Biology
    • NCE in Biology Education
  • Department of Chemistry
    • NCE in Chemistry Education
  • Department of Physics
    • NCE in Physics Education
  • Department of Integrated Science
    • NCE in Integrated Science Education
  • Department of Mathematics
    • NCE in Mathematics Education
  • Department of Computer Science
    • NCE in Computer Science Education
See also  Bells University of Technology

School of Vocational and Technical Education

  • Department of Agricultural Science
    • NCE in Agricultural Science Education
  • Department of Home Economics
    • NCE in Home Economics Education
  • Department of Business Education
    • NCE in Business Education

School of Education

  • Department of Educational Foundations
    • NCE in Primary Education Studies
    • NCE in Early Childhood Education
  • Department of Curriculum and Instruction
    • NCE in Educational Psychology
  • Department of Guidance and Counselling
    • NCE in Guidance and Counselling Education

The National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) in Nigeria has granted accreditation to the College of Education, Ekiadolor, Benin.

The Edo State Government has declared its intention to transform the Ekiadolor-Benin College of Education into the Tayo Akpata institution of Education, a fully established institution. With this renovation, the university will be able to offer more degree programs and make a bigger impact on teacher education in Nigeria.

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