Timberland Logo

Timberland Logo PNG
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  • Create Date January 2, 2025
  • Last Updated January 2, 2025

The Timberland logo, representing the iconic American outdoor wear brand, is both meaningful and deeply tied to the essence of the company's mission. Known for its rugged and durable footwear, Timberland’s logo encapsulates its identity with a simple yet powerful design.

Meaning and History

The visual identity of the Timberland logo aligns with the literal interpretation of its name: “Timberland”, meaning a land rich with trees. This connection to nature is aptly reflected in the logo, which prominently features a tree—a symbol of strength, growth, and resilience.

Logo Evolution

1973–1975: The Original Design

The first Timberland logo, introduced in 1973, featured a detailed tree with sturdy branches, emphasizing the brand’s connection to the outdoors. The wordmark was rendered in a clean sans-serif font, exuding modernity and a straightforward aesthetic. This early version was entirely monochromatic, using a dark tone to highlight simplicity and a nature-focused ethos.

1975–Present: The Iconic Emblem

The current version of the logo retains the tree as its central element but features refinements that enhance its visual appeal. The tree, enclosed in a circular frame, appears more stylized and intricate, with a full canopy and branches that convey a sense of balance and natural beauty. The accompanying wordmark is presented in a bold serif typeface, symbolizing durability and reliability.

The black-and-white color scheme remains a defining feature, reinforcing the logo's timeless and versatile nature.


The tree emblem represents Timberland’s strong ties to nature, outdoor life, and sustainability. Its circular enclosure suggests unity, balance, and a connection to the earth, while the bold lines of the tree convey resilience and steadfastness.

Controversy Surrounding the Emblem

In the late 1990s, the Timberland logo became the subject of controversy when a poem, often misattributed to Maya Angelou, circulated online. The poem claimed the tree emblem symbolized lynching trees, alluding to the historical violence against African Americans.

The company strongly refuted these claims, emphasizing that the tree in the logo was inspired solely by nature and outdoor life. Despite these rumors, Timberland has remained committed to its brand values, including environmental stewardship and community engagement.


The wordmark in the Timberland logo is crafted in a font resembling Windsor SB XBold Condensed, designed by Eleisha Pechey. The bold and condensed lettering adds a sense of strength and confidence, perfectly complementing the tree emblem.

The Timberland logo stands as a timeless symbol of outdoor adventure, resilience, and environmental consciousness, resonating deeply with consumers worldwide.


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