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Biochemistry deals with the study of the chemical basis of life and the chemical processes that occur in organisms, including the breakdown and synthesis of molecules, the actions of enzymes, and the mechanisms of metabolism. It combines knowledge from organic, and physical chemistry and biology, to understand the chemical basis of life. 

It is a four-year programme of training to become a Biochemist.

Career Paths in Biochemistry

Lucrative job opportunities for Biochemists:

  1. Academic Doctor, professor or Lecturer in Biochemistry: conducts research and or teaches and mentors students in Biochemistry.
  2. Research scientist and Biotechnologist: develops and tests new products, drugs, vaccines, or other biopharmaceutical products.
  3. Clinical Biochemist or Medical Laboratory Scientist: analyzes patient samples and interpreting results.
  4. Environmental Scientist
  5. Forensic Scientist
  6. Food Science and Nutrition Biochemist: acts as quality control assurance Analyst ensuring the quality a d safety products in food and beverage industries.
  7. Patent Agent and Intellectual Property Lawyer: leverages on their Biochemistry expertise to work as a patent agent or intellectual property lawyer.
  8. Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
  9. Medical Science Liaison

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