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  • Create Date November 25, 2024
  • Last Updated November 30, 2024
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The United Services Automobile Association (USAA) is one of the most well-known financial services groups in the United States, providing banking, investing, and insurance services to current and former members of the military.

Meaning and History
Founded in 1922 in San Antonio, Texas, by army officers, USAA has grown to serve nearly two million members today.

The USAA logo prominently features a bald eagle, the national bird of the United States, which is also depicted on the Great Seal of the United States. This symbol emphasizes the organization's strong ties to the country and its military roots. While some people interpret the bird as a phoenix, a mythological creature representing rebirth, the official emblem is generally understood to feature the bald eagle.

The typeface used in the USAA logo is FF Quadraat Sans OT Bold, designed by Fred Smeijers in 1992. The font's unique sharp elements on the tops of the “A’s” resemble the beak of the eagle above, tying the visual identity together. The font's strong, gestural shapes are complemented by the customized variant of Gotham Bold used in the logotype.

The standard USAA logo is typically presented in navy blue against a white background. However, the organization has used different shades of blue over time. In some instances, the logo appears in various shades of grey for a 3D effect, with navy blue serving as the background. Additional accent colors such as red and yellow may also be used.


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