The aims of the WAEC Syllabus for Further Mathematics are to test candidates’
- development of further conceptual and manipulative skills in Mathematics;
- understanding of an intermediate course of study which bridges the gap between Elementary Mathematics and Higher Mathematics;
- acquisition of aspects of Mathematics that can meet the needs of potential Mathematicians, Engineers, Scientists and other professionals.
- ability to analyze data and draw valid conclusion
- logical, abstract and precise reasoning skills.
There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2, both of which must be taken. Paper 1 will consist of forty multiple-choice objective questions, covering the entire syllabus. Candidates will be required to answer all questions in 11hours for 40 2 marks. The questions will be drawn from the sections of the syllabus as follows
- Pure Mathematics (30 questions)
- Statistics and probability (4 questions)
- Vectors and Mechanics (6 questions)
Paper 2 will consist of two sections, Sections A and B, to be answered in 21 hours for 100 marks. Section A will consist of eight compulsory questions that are elementary in type for 48 marks. The questions shall be distributed as follows:
- Pure Mathematics (4 questions )
- Statistics and Probability (2 questions Vectors)
- Mechanics (2 questions)
Section B will consist of seven questions of greater length and difficulty put into three parts:Parts I, II and III as follows:
- Part I: Pure Mathematics (3 questions)
- Part II: Statistics and Probability (2 questions)
- Part III: Vectors and Mechanics (2 questions)
Candidates will be required to answer four questions with at least one from each part for 52 marks.
Detailed WAEC Syllabus for Further Mathematics
- Pure Mathematics
- Sets
- Surds
- Logical Reasoning
- Functions
- Polynomial Functions
- Rational Functions
- Indices and Logarithmic Functions
- Permutation nd Combinations
- Binomial
- Theorem
- Sequences and Series
- Matrices and Linear Transformation
- Trigonometry
- Co-ordinate Geometry
- Differentiation
- Integration
- Statistics and Probability
- Statistics
- Probability
- Vectors and Mechanics
- Vectors
- Statics
- Dynamics
Candidates should be familiar with the following units and their symbols.
- Length
- Area
- Capacity
- Mass
- Currencies
Other important information
Use of Mathematical and Statistical Tables: Mathematics and Statistical tables, published or approved by WAEC may be used in the examination room. Where the degree of accuracy is not specified in a question, the degree of accuracy expected will be that obtainable from the mathematical tables.
Use of calculators: The use of non-programmable, silent and cordless calculators is allowed. The calculators must, however not have a paper print out nor be capable of receiving/sending any information. Phones with or without calculators are not allowed.
Other Materials Required for the examination: Candidates should bring rulers, pairs of compasses, protractors, set squares etc required for papers of the subject. They will not be allowed to borrow such instruments and any other material from other candidates in the examination hall. Graph papers ruled in 2mm squares will be provided for any paper in which it is required.
Disclaimer: In spite of the provisions made in paragraphs 2 (1) and (2) above, it should be noted that some questions may prohibit the use of tables and/or calculators.
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